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Lex Addams
Jun 29, 20201 min read
Enchanted forests and alien worlds
I'm always making new items, usually themed around my current months Patreon (July's was Demons and Elves). But this month I am doing an...

Lex Addams
Mar 20, 20201 min read
Sci Fi communications bunker array home 3d printing
Looking for some 3D terrain for your Star Wars, Warhammer or similar tabletop game? Then take a look at my new communications set.

Lex Addams
Jan 27, 20201 min read
Death stars to Borg spheres a take on one of my favourite Sci-fi ships
As a kid I loved Star Wars, me and my sister would watch the original 3 movies over and over again on Saturday mornings while our dad...
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