As a kid I loved Star Wars, me and my sister would watch the original 3 movies over and over again on Saturday mornings while our dad messed around with pieces of wood and power tools.

The death star was one of my favourite ships / space stations probably to this day, or maybe I just really like round ships. When first contact was released and seeing the Borg sphere burst forth from the fiery death throws of its larger cube cousin again i love the sphere design.
Oddly a round spaceship / space station is not something I had made before, so around 1 am last night I fired up blender 2.8 alpha and made a quick model of a spherical death star / Borg sphere inspired ship? Its not complete (having only had 30 minute of work done to it), but its a good start and worth a quick 8 hour test print on the Epax X1.

Update (6th Feb 2020): The final version is now available as a resin print or STL digitial download from my store. Kyhullas Vengeance (resin space ship)